Art In Motion is a brand awareness campaign launched by Adidas to promote the technical achievements of their sports wear products.


Create a series of key visuals that demonstrate; creativity, technology and innovation. I assimilated all of these ideas as a futuristic android character engaged in various activities and actions. The visuals were tied together with famous quotes from famous artists throughout the ages. A few of them are shown here.


The android design started as pencil sketches before the character was created in 3DS Max. Smoke and fire effects were created with Phoenix FD using an ACES workflow with Fusion and Photoshop to do the final compositing.


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I’m always interested to see what people think about my work so let me know in the comments below..

Anna at 3:35 pm, January 14, 2022 - Reply

Beautiful work Ross. You should create a video to show how you created this.

Ross Malet at 3:40 pm, January 14, 2022 - Reply

Thanks for the compliment Anna. I probably won’t do a “making of” video for this project but I intend to do that for future projects.